Perfect Dent

Dr. Mostafa Anwar

Endo Workshop (Manualless Shaping for complex root canal anatomies)

Dr. Ayman El-Amin

Advanced LASER Workshop (Need Money? Get LASER Post How to make money from LASER)

Prof. Adel Abdelwahed & Dr. Nebras Al-Dahash

Endo Lecture (Irrigations in Endodontics: All what we need to know)

Dr. Mostafa Anwar & Dr. Mohamed Alaa Fakhr

Endo Lecture (From canal shaping to retreatment: A high way to perfection)

Dr. Khaled Farouk & Dr. Abdelrahman El-Mekkawi

Endo Lecture (Shaping Strategies in Managing Difficult Root Canal Morphology)

Best Endo Case Competition

Directed by
Prof. Reham Hassan (Head of Endodontics Department - ERU)
Dr. Mohamed Abd ElRahman (Lecturer of Endodontics - Manofia University)
Dr. Mohamed Abd ElMawla (Assistant Lecturer of Endodontics - ERU)